sean mcalister
@jason bruges studio @project context @matzine @musarc @meta architecture

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↓↓↓ m o r e

recent articles


4 July 1985

that's me. taken from s.m.a.c.'s meta architecture exhibition.


seán mcalister trained at dundee school of architecture. seán likes to collaborate on projects. exploratory, critical projects. seán likes zines. he is a co-creator and continuing contributor of matzine. seán dreams of one day having his own printing workshop so he can etch all night long. seán is based in london. prior to this he has lived and worked in belfast, dundee, edinburgh and melbourne. seán keeps a close relationship with the material studio of dundee school of architecture


dec 2011  Guest reviewer for Fourth & fifth year crits - Dundee School of Architecture
sept 2011  Guest Editor with Ian Pollard
sept 2011  Project Context featured on &
may 2011  Guest speaker at ‘The Modern Language Experiment’
feb 2011  Blueprint Magazine features ‘meta architecture’ exhibition in article ‘proactive architecture’ - published online

nov 2010  Guest Speaker at Belfast Exposed’s ‘Shadow Play’
may 2010  Masters Thesis design project selected for annual school publication: Level 6 Portfolio

may 2009  Contemporary Dance School project selected for annual school yearbook: o8-o9


dec 2011  6x Rubens' Tubes for Musarc Christmas Concert, St Bartholomew the Great
sep 2011  Project Context exhibition held in The Mill, Walthamstow, London
oct 2011  Project Context exhibition in Sheffield University & Edinburgh University
feb 2011  Meta Architecture held in Lo&Behold Gallery, London

aug 2010  ‘Nothing Disappears Completely’ Thesis exhibited at Lighthouse, Glasgow


jun 2010  BD Student Class 2o1o  - Thesis nominated
jun 2010  R.I.A.S. Student Award Best Scottish Student  -  commendation
jun 2010  R.I.A.S. Student Drawing Award  - Thesis nominated
may 2010  Dean’s Merit  -  Highest Marks for Masters Thesis Award  [MArch]

may 2009  Highest Design Marks Award  [BArch Hons]
may 2009  Best Representation of an Architectural Space Award [BArch Hons]

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designed by sean