sean mcalister
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amsterdam's open bare bibliotheek
11 March 2011

in amsterdam's
open bare bibliotheek 

image : i decided to pick through some random books in the architecture section of the library, and i came across this, frankly-hilarious, rather-boring, stereo-typical photography pose of an architect, walter gropius. i have much respect for his work, but these sort of images feel, to me, creepy and bleak 

having just read a book for an hour or so, i can't help but be impressed by this ... place, this hyper-library, this unexpectedly-comfortable mothership of knowledge and cuisine and music and film and  s  i  l  e  n c e  and more-polite-than-not noise.

it is certainly the most convincing, evoled manifestation of the regrettable idea store i have come across.
this place is thriving. and open [accessible design] and open [spacious] and open [i'm allowed in]
-nd what gives the place a special glow in my eyes : there are no obvious tourists or indeed english spoken words - an escape from amsterdam-main. [a rather attactive young woman just picked up a violin and started bowing a classical piece, exquisitly, metres from me. awesome. all bets are off in the open bare!]

with all these impressive, at times querky things, still, i would trade nothing for the spirit from the libraries of old

image : walter gropius, buildings, plans, projects 1906 - 1967 (1970)

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