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editors’ choice : raga man
29 October 2011

image taken from page 3 of matzine#09

Raga Man, a submission by Robert Fieldhouse to the Copy Paste issue; I really like it. Playful, cunning and quick, this poem delights, beguiles and tickles. These stunted stanzas follow formats seemingly simple, allowing the conscience an unencumbered phonetic, rhythmic pleasure. It reminds me of the Oulipo experiments:

“the seeking of new structures and patterns that may be used by writers in any way they enjoy.” Constraints are used to trigger new ideas and the Oulipo group is an ongoing source of novel techniques, often based on mathematical ideas — such as counting letters and syllables, substitution algorithms, permutations, palindromes, and even chess problems.”

…from Joanna Growney’s blog poetrywithmathematics, also reference in a post from my blog, Dec 2010. As an editor of Matzine it warmed my heart how this submitted piece merrily shook hands with Stephen Mackie’s chosen theme Copy Paste. Reading, I feel like like the words, the words’ meanings and the newly formed verses were each in some way copied and pasted. How abstract a thing to communicate.  The references, the less-obvious poetic formulas, the subject-weaves; I am content to carousel these lines with simple survey, though perhaps there are deeper dimensions to be enjoyed upon more rigorous readings of Robert’s Raga Man

as published on the matzine website

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matzine goes guerilla

last night stephen mackie & i, armed with needles & thread strung past issues of matzine on a wall at zap architectures after party, in the basement of hoxton Gallery. the party was to celebrate the opening of the pavilion of protest earlier that day, exhibited in riba's prestigious florence hall. a bit of more guerilla-exposure tactics athankyouverymuch.

the above thing is an interactive panorama viewer, called photosynth. it's a bit clumsy in some ways, not sure i like it

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josef, jorge & the bezold effect
22 October 2011

jorge louis borges speaks in 1966 while josef albers speaks in 1968. but here they speak to each other today, based on a loosely arranged script machine.

the bezold effect is an optical phenomena which albers used in his teaching. it describes how one colour appears to change lightness or hue intensity when adjacent to a contrasting colour.

page spread as they are presented in matzine#10

i have found no evidence that these great minds ever met in person. like some sort of
necro-networking nitwit i’m strangely star-struck by bringing these voices into close proximity. i mean, these dead-guys really seem to be talking, arguing and believably ignoring each other! imagine the bizarre weaves of conversation that other script machines could conjure

the script machine

re-aligned columns, a fictional encounter between josef & jorge

* this post is a replicate of my submission to matzine#10

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designed by sean