matzine#007 | the hourglass issue
30 March 2011
Dear reader
here-in: the hourglass issue;
the effect time has on you;
how it and you are ‘twine
here-on will test your eye-sight [there is a lot of small text]
where image, prose, thought just might
spur questions in like kind.
so read, scan and ponder,
upon content of times yonder;
the contributors’ resplendent list
the hourglass becomes a symbol,
an object which asks;
“after all, does the present exist?”
Labels: collaboration, drawing, matzine, shadow, time
matzine#006 | the constructive critique
28 March 2011
the constructive critique
the following submission to matzine#006 was a collaborative effort between nick shurey and myself, over the course of a month. we set up a scenario were the relationship between critter and critted was brought into question. the ensuing short design and review exercise was most enlightening. this post is a backlog; this matzine edition was released 11th december 2010
read the edition's intro by editor rowan mackinnon-pryde
click the images below to enlarge the text...
Labels: collaboration, critique, depth, drawing, matzine
amsterdam's open bare bibliotheek
11 March 2011
in amsterdam's
open bare bibliotheek
image : i decided to pick through some random books in the architecture section of the library, and i came across this, frankly-hilarious, rather-boring, stereo-typical photography pose of an architect, walter gropius. i have much respect for his work, but these sort of images feel, to me, creepy and bleak
having just read a book for an hour or so, i can't help but be impressed by this ... place, this hyper-library, this unexpectedly-comfortable mothership of knowledge and cuisine and music and film and s i l e n c e and more-polite-than-not noise.
it is certainly the most convincing, evoled manifestation of the regrettable idea store i have come across.
this place is thriving. and open [accessible design] and open [spacious] and open [i'm allowed in]
-nd what gives the place a special glow in my eyes : there are no obvious tourists or indeed english spoken words - an escape from amsterdam-main. [a rather attactive young woman just picked up a violin and started bowing a classical piece, exquisitly, metres from me. awesome. all bets are off in the open bare!]
with all these impressive, at times querky things, still, i would trade nothing for the spirit from the
libraries of old
image : walter gropius, buildings, plans, projects 1906 - 1967 (1970)
Labels: amsterdam, architect, library
mineralogical notes
8 March 2011
mineralogical notes
image above : non-crystalline tetrahedral network model, from "a simple method for making stereoscopic drawings" by fred ordway, the american mineralogist, vol 50, september 1965. this image pair is made for viewing with a stereoscope.
a 3-page scanned article is included below. in this 1965 article, a molecular-scaled geological representation technique is explored - stereoscopic drawing. it is a fascinating, technical account of an experimental drawing method, which aims to overcome the otherwise slow process a
crystallographer must endure to produce such a stereo-pair image.
the particular things, from this article, which i'd like to do something with are:
the necessary 4 coordinates and stereo pairs,
parallax mining - to find atomic/molecular structure,
parall-axis - the problem of vertical vs horizontal parallax with regards to human visual perception and interocular distances.
article : "a simple method for making stereoscopic drawings" by fred ordway, the american mineralogist, vol 50, september 1965
stereos - stereós, meaning solid
-scopic - skopion, meaning to look at
the cinema screens in recent times have seen a notable rise in 3d films - the movie-makers are sharing the same basic principles as this crystallograpgher's notes; human stereoscopic vision. simply put, we have one eye about 6cm horiztonally adjacent from another eye. this is called the interocular distance. healthy humans also, crucially, have the phenomenal ability to fuse the two images we experience from each eye - visual-depth perception.
some people are not able to view our world with stereoscopic vision - perhaps the neurophysiology is affected by some disorder, the eyes do not sufficiently look in the same direction or some other issue. recently i found myself reading a fascinating, almost frightening book by oliver sacks entitled
the mind's eye. in this book a woman named sue, who, for most of her life had only
monocular vision, suddenly is able to see in
binocular vision
"i noticed today that the light fixture that hangs down from our kitchen ceiling looks different. it seems to occupy some space between myself and the ceiling...
i noticed the edge of the open door to my office seemed to stick out toward me. now, i always knew that the door was sticking out toward me when it was open because of the shape of the door, perspective and other monocular cues, but i have never seen it in depth"
quote : the mind's eye, p129, oliver sacks, 2010
it is not only likely that we all take for granted the effect of stereoscopic depth, it's wholly improbable that we could even imagine, at will, the world of monocular vision. between ordway's mineralogical representation techniques and sack's patients, quickly questions arise about the limits of our sense of visual-depth, about how we might use this understanding of our eyes and mind to positively inform and create in our "
ocular-centric world"
image above : from the above mentioned mineralogical article. i have made an animated gif to simulate the effect of seeing both stereo-pair images at the same time through a stereoscope
[thanks to wales for introducing me to this article. i believe she came across it while panning for diamonds] Labels: depth, drawing, parallax
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